Thursday, January 8, 2009

Tomorrow is the big day!

Tomorrow is when we have our first ultrasound (well the first one where the gender of the baby should be visible if he/she cooperates). I feel a bit like a kid on Christmas eve. I have to wait until 4pm though -! Which means you all will have to wait even longer. I will update as soon as I get back (and if you haven't voted yet you only have a few hours). If you did vote leave me a comment and tell me what your vote was :)


Davene January 8, 2009 at 9:01 PM  

How exciting! Why do you get to have an ultrasound before the 20 week one?

I think I voted boy, but it's been a while since I voted so I can't really remember. Now I have a feeling it's a girl. How's that for being flaky? ;)

Have fun! Enjoy every second of seeing that precious little one cavorting around inside you! (Don't you want me to come along, too?) ;)

Misty January 8, 2009 at 10:34 PM a two-for one deal? Sounds good to me! The reason I'm having one sooner than 20 weeks is becuase I had some bleeding a few weeks back and they want to check teh position of the placenta.
Every day I change my mind on whether I think it is a boy or a So much for a mother's intuition!

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