Tomorrow is the big day!
Tomorrow is when we have our first ultrasound (well the first one where the gender of the baby should be visible if he/she cooperates). I feel a bit like a kid on Christmas eve. I have to wait until 4pm though -! Which means you all will have to wait even longer. I will update as soon as I get back (and if you haven't voted yet you only have a few hours). If you did vote leave me a comment and tell me what your vote was :)
How exciting! Why do you get to have an ultrasound before the 20 week one?
I think I voted boy, but it's been a while since I voted so I can't really remember. Now I have a feeling it's a girl. How's that for being flaky? ;)
Have fun! Enjoy every second of seeing that precious little one cavorting around inside you! (Don't you want me to come along, too?) ;) a two-for one deal? Sounds good to me! The reason I'm having one sooner than 20 weeks is becuase I had some bleeding a few weeks back and they want to check teh position of the placenta.
Every day I change my mind on whether I think it is a boy or a So much for a mother's intuition!
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