Tuesday, December 18, 2007

33 More Baby pictures

33 More pictures were added to the slideshow for all to enjoy the baby. Here is some of my favorites:

This is not an awesome picture, but it is! Because we took this after she slept through the night for the second time in a row! Can you imagine a 2 day old baby sleeping through the night!? Well Praise God, only by His goodness can this be possible and I am sure all of your prayers are a determining factor!

Houston loves His baby...He will periodically say, "Baby I Love You" He is so sweet.

Trinity thinks this is her baby and she must hold her at least half the day, help change her diaper, and even wondered if she could feed the baby from her booby. Sorry Trinity, but only Mommies can do that!

Yes, even Niko loves the Baby! He just thinks she is a fascinating little creature and he must make sure she is ok whenever she lets out little cries. With all the love and nurture this child is getting she will always have her Love tank filled!


Misty December 18, 2007 at 10:15 AM  

weeeell..practically through the night. She went down at midnight and got up at 5:30 and not again until 9am! Still pretty good!

Davene December 18, 2007 at 8:46 PM  

Thanks for the clarification, Misty. :)

It was so good to see you all today! Elissa is beautiful, and so are you, Misty! I'll "try" not to be jealous at how fast you're recovering your shape. :)

It was fun to see how affectionate Trinity and Houston are with the baby. She certainly won't be lacking in the physical touch department, I'm sure. It seems like they couldn't keep their hands off her. So precious!!!

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