Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mommy Day!

I wanted to celebrate all of my mother's today. My grandmother, my mother, and my babies' mother. I Love you Anne, Hope, Sandra, and most especially you, Misty. I thank God everyday for the wonderful feminine influences in my life. Without my Grandmothers I would lack the clear picture of what a fantastic Grandparent is like. Without my mother I would lack some of my better qualities that I gleaned straight from her, such as: determination, strong will, the smarts and love of school, and hard-headedness. :) Without my wife, I would lack my solid co-worker in the faith. I would be a worthless parent without you; thank you for loving my children with the same strength of love that you have for me. But nonetheless, all of this is all because of the infinite, unescapable, unlimited, and unconditional grace from my God and I thank him for his Sovereign Plan that has pieced together my life with His blessings. I praise him for all goodness and all suffering, no matter what my life is filled with, my prayer is that it will always be filled with praise and worship for Jesus who is worthy of praise and deserves my praise and worship amongst suffering and goodness.


Misty May 11, 2008 at 7:43 PM  

I love you too.. and I couldn't be a good mother without your support and God's grace!

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