Monday, November 23, 2009

Ten Little Piggies

I love the stage when a baby finds her feet. They always have a plaything handy and can never drop it! Anastasia is in the tootsie loving stage right now and I had to snap a few pictures last night after her bath.
Speaking of Anastasia, I can't believe how fast she is growing. She can already sit up by herself, roll over both ways, and is even beginning to scooch around on the floor a bit!




And I can't help but see the resemblence of these two pictures :)



Davene November 23, 2009 at 10:21 PM  


Just like with Elissa and Tobin, I find myself amazed that Anastasia is only a month (roughly) older than Shav. She has so much more hair than he does and is getting around so much quicker than him (no big surprise there!).

I liked how you included that ultrasound picture. I guess Ana has been a fan of that position for a long time! Maybe she'll be a gymnast. :)

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